When you move, it is possible to take your garden and plants with you. By choosing the right plants that can be relocated and the time of year, you can successfully replant your garden.
Moving With Plants: What Can You Relocate?
Moving is a stressful time in so many ways: all that packing, everything you own right into boxes, transporting heavy furniture, arranging commercial storage, and unpacking everything that you just packed. Another stressful aspect of moving is trying to settle in a new place, which is why most people want to surround themselves with the familiar, including their garden and plants. Although moving with plants can be difficult, it can be done, if you use the below tips.
Types of Plants to Relocate
There certain types of plants that do better with big moves compared to others. One factor to consider is the age of your plants. Younger plants or seedlings are probably too delicate to move, considering they don’t have developed roots systems yet. However, older plants that are healthy will do better with being moved. On the other hand, plants that have extensive root systems usually don’t do well with being dug-up and transported.
Also, if you are moving out of state, then you will want to make sure that you’re not bringing any types of plants that are illegal or non-native to your new state.
When to Relocate
The time of year when moving plants is an important consideration you should make. If it all possible, you want to avoid moving your plants or garden during the hot summer months. Hot care trips or being stored in hot vans can be especially punishing on plants, drying out their leaves and dirt.
Spring or early summer are good times to move your plants. Winter is doable as well, but it may be more difficult to dig up the bigger plants in your garden, and they may need to stay where they are. After digging up your garden plants, you will want to wrap the roots in burlap or place them into a container or pot for the move.
Moving with Plants: Tips for Replanting
To replant your garden, you first want to plan out your new garden space and mark where you want everything to be. Make sure you dig nice, deep holes, and that you are also planting in the right type of soil. Further, it’s a good idea to replant things at a cooler time of the day, such as in the evening or on an overcast day. That way the shock of being replanted wont’ be aggravated by the hot sun.