Mistakes to Avoid When Moving to a New Office
Whether you’re looking into office space in the hopes of moving offices one day or you and your work colleagues are getting ready to move in the next few weeks, moving to a new office space is often a cause for celebration and frustration. For most businesses, this relocation signals a move to bigger and better things, but they can also be arduous, causing everyone involved to become frustrated to the point of making mistakes. When relocating, one mistake that some offices make is forgetting to inform clients where they’ve moved. This can cause problems. However, it’s easily resolvable. When moving to a new building, it might be worth sending an email explaining the move to your clients. You could even consider getting some Office Signs created to put on the side of the building. This should help guests easily locate your new building, making it simpler for them to visit your office. Not helping your clients out is just one of the mistakes an office relocation can cause. There are many more mistakes that can occur as well. To try and limit them, try and remember not to make the following mistakes!
Forgetting to Properly Back Up Data
One of the biggest and costliest mistakes a company can make when moving to new office space is forgetting to properly back up their data. It’s essential that you have some form of off-site storage, as data could be damaged during the move due to contact with a spilled liquid or an accidental shipment to a different location. You could store data at a physical location or simply upload it into a cloud storage for safe keeping. While there’s a high chance that nothing will happen to your sensitive information during the move, even a small risk is too much.
Not Planning Ahead
Enterprises make the mistake of believing that a move to new office space isn’t going to take much planning, especially if there are employees who can help with the transition. However, there are a number of obstacles during the process that could trip you up if you don’t plan ahead, including backing up your data and scheduling movers when office moving in Las Vegas. It’s recommended that you start planning for a move this large while still searching for a new office space. Any later and you risk having to cram your preparations, increasing the chances of making mistakes.
Underestimating Costs of Delays
Setting a move date to your new office space several months ahead of time is smart but difficult to stick to when the date comes around. Even when you plan ahead extensively and have great communication with everyone involved, there’s still the possibility of time delays occurring and potentially causing the move date to slip. Since there are numerous factors in the move that are out of your control, you’ll want to have back up plans to avoid driving up costs.