Three Reasons to Use Movers for Your Data Center Relocation
Many large corporations maintain a data center that is used to store, process and update information and transactions. These data centers require plenty of space and have specific requirements for the equipment. When your data center needs to grow, consider these three benefits of using an experienced service for commercial moving in Las Vegas to handle the relocation.
Decide What to Move
If your data center currently rents some equipment and that lease is coming to a close, consider having the owner of the equipment retrieve it before your move. This could help to lighten the load. You could also dispose of server and network equipment that is no longer needed for your data center. Be sure to work with the movers to identify what is coming with you to the new location.
Set Up the New Environment
Your information technology staff should work with the commercial movers in order to set up the new environment as efficiently as possible. Commercial movers can do all of the setup and installation of your data center’s server racks. You might want to have your IT staff come in and do all of the wiring just before the movers are scheduled to arrive with all of the equipment. Coordinating with the movers for the setup of the data center environment helps to minimize downtime.
Carefully Organize and Pack the Equipment
A key aspect of a successful move of your data center is careful organization and packing of the equipment. Be sure to have your information technology team label all of the items in an organized manner. This will help with the setup and installation process at the new location. The movers could do all of the packing for you, which will help to save your staff a lot of time. Commercial movers have protective supplies to ensure the safety of your sensitive networking equipment.