Top Ways to Prepare for an Office or Business Move
Moving offices can be exciting if you’re moving into a more spacious setting or are expanding as a company. Moving into something like Serviced Offices In Bristol From Be Offices can be a great step for the business but knowing how to make the transition a smooth one will make the process a more positive one. Although you may have experience moving homes, moving offices can be a different process. If you want to prepare for the event, there are a few essential steps to take along the way.
Gather Your Team
You’ll need as much help as you can get with moving to a new office to avoid trying to tackle it all on your own. Ask someone from each department to be responsible for managing each employee to ensure that desks and personal items are completely packed. Don’t forget to box up any office stationery like folders, pens, and whiteboards from Writey. Delegate different responsibilities and set aside time each day for your staff to pack so don’t feel overwhelmed by the process while working.
Schedule Meetings
Consider scheduling meetings each week that allow you to receive updates on packing and which moving supplies need to be ordered, which can include boxes, packing tape, and bubble wrap. You can discuss the progress that has been made and point out the next steps to take before the moving day, whether you still need to clean out the break room or find office movers in Las Vegas. Setting aside time for meetings with your team will make it easier to be on the same page for everyone and have proper communication with your employees.
Create a Contact List
Creating a contact list is essential, which includes suppliers and clients, so they’re informed of your new address. If you fail to inform your contacts with your new office information, it can affect your growth and success as a company. You can notify your customers on how they can reach different departments when you’re in the process of relocating. You can also provide them information on how the business will continue to operate until you’re in the new office. Taking the necessary step of creating a contact list will prevent your clients from giving their business to one of your competitors.