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How to Decide Whether to Donate or Sell an Item Before Moving Out

How to Get Rid of Stuff Before Moving Day

It may be worthwhile to donate or sell items before moving day. Doing so can help you get rid of clutter and either make some money or help a worthy cause at the same time. However, it can be hard to decide whether your old clothes, tools or books should be donated or sold.

The Choice to Donate or Sell Can Be Based on an Item’s Condition

If you are having a hard time deciding whether to donate or sell an item in your home, you could base your decision on its current condition. For instance, it may be better to give away your old vehicle instead of trying to sell it. In some cases, the tax write-off may be worth more than its market value. However, if the vehicle was in good condition, it may be better to sell it and use the proceeds to fund the move.

Do You Have Something That the Community Needs?

Community libraries are always on the lookout for used books, videos and other educational materials. If you have a closet full of children’s books that neither you nor your child read anymore, it may be worth donating them to the local library. It also isn’t uncommon for colleges or clothing stores to solicit sport coats or other lightly used professional attire that will be donated to someone who can’t afford clothes for an interview.

Storage Is Always an Option

If you can’t decide what you want to do with clothes, books or anything else that you own, don’t hesitate to rent extra storage in Las Vegas. Taking such a step allows you to keep items in a secure space outside of your house until you decide what to do with them.
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